
Gifts that makes Felix Felicis easy to use.

Preview Server

Preview your blog with:

$ liquidluck server
$ liquidluck server -p 8888
$ liquidluck server -p 8888 -s

Preview server now support livereload, when you are editing a post, it will auto compile and auto refresh the browser for you. Added in version 1.12

To enable livereload, your should install tornado:

$ pip install tornado

Oh My Zsh Plugin

If you are using oh-my-zsh, there is a plugin for you.

Copy liquidluck to ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins:

$ cp -r oh-my-zsh-plugins/liquidluck ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/

Then edit your zshrc file:

plugins=(git ... liquidluck)

Now you can tab complete every Felix Felicis command:

$ liquidluck b(tab)
$ liquidluck build (tab)


Felix Felicis supports webhook since v1.6. When you push to GitHub or BitBucket, your blog can generate itself.

First, you need to install Felix Felicis on your server:

$ pip install liquidluck

Second, your blog repo on your server:

$ git clone git://path/to/your/repo blog

Then, start webhook daemon in your blog:

$ cd blog
$ liquidluck webhook start -p 9876

Configure webhook on GitHub or BitBucket. We take GitHub as an example.

Head over to your blog source repo admin, select Service Hooks

github service hook

If you prefer BitBucket, you should select the POST service:

bitbucket service hook

If your server ip is, you can add a URL:

And when you push to GitHub, your server will update the repo and generate the whole site.

Table Of Contents

Related Topics


Feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, comments, random praise, or anonymous threats, shoot me an email.

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