
Template engine of Felix Felicis (liquidluck) is Jinja. It would be great if you have a little knowledge on Jinja Template. The basic syntax is simple, you should know them.

You can learn how to design your own theme by demo:

Please create your repo at github with liquidluck-theme- prefix. Remember to submit your theme at Theme Gallery.

Get all themes:

$ liquidluck search

Install a theme:

$ liquidluck install moment

Install a theme to the global theme gallery:

$ liquidluck install moment -g


A glance of a theme:

your_theme/                <---- theme variables                 <---- filters defined by theme
    static/                    <---- static files
    templates/                 <---- template files

You don’t need to copy a feed.xml file. Only archive.html, post.html and page.html are required. But you can add more.


Sometimes, you don’t need to create a total new theme, you just want to make some changes.

For example, you are using the default theme, which means in your settings:

theme = {
    'name': 'default'

You want to make some changes on the post page (like adding readability), in your blog directory, create a post.html template:


And edit this post.html:

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block title %}{{post.title}} - {{}}{% endblock %}

{% block main %}
<div class="hentry">
    <h1 class="entry-title">{{post.title}}</h1>
    <time class="updated" datetime="{{|xmldatetime}}">{{'%Y-%m-%d')}}</time>
    {% if template.readability %}
    <div class="rdbWrapper" data-show-read="1" data-show-send-to-kindle="1"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>
    {% endif %}

    <div class="entry-content">
    <div class="entry-tags">
        {% for tag in post.tags %}
        <a href="{{ content_url(site.prefix, 'tag', tag, 'index.html') }}">{{tag}}</a>
        {% endfor %}

    {% if theme.disqus %}
    <div id="disqus_thread"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var disqus_shortname = '{{theme.disqus}}';
        var disqus_title = '{{post.title}}';
        (function() {
            var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
            dsq.src = 'http://' + disqus_shortname + '';
            (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

And edit your settings, enable readability:

template = {
    'vars': {
        'readability': True,


There are two levels of variables, global and templatable. Global means that this variable can be accessed in every template, and templatable means that this variable can be accessed in specify template.

Global Variables

  • system, this is all about Felix Felicis:

        'name': 'Felix Felicis',
        'version': '....',
        'homepage': '....',
        'time': '....',

    When you create your own theme, you should add copyright of Felix Felicis by:

    Powered by <a href="{{system.homepage}}">{{}}</a> {{system.version}}

    {{system.time}} means current utc time.

  • site, you defined in your settings file:

    site = {
        'name': "Kitty's BLog",
        'url': '',
  • theme, theme variable is defined by theme creator in the theme settings, and users can overwrite theme in blog settings theme_variables.

    For example, in the default theme’s settings, we have:

    navigation = [
        {'title': 'Home', 'link': '/'},
        {'title': 'About', 'link': '/about.html'},

    Users can rewrite it in blog settings:

    theme = {
        'vars': {
            'navigation': [
                {'title': 'Home', 'link': '/'},
                {'title': 'Life', 'link': '/life/'},
                {'title': 'Work', 'link': '/work/'},
  • template, template variable is defined by users in settings with:

    template = {
        'vars': {
            'readability': True,

    And it can be access in template by {{template.readability}}, this is very useful.

  • writer, this variable tells you which writer is rendering this page now:

        'class': 'ArchiveWriter',
        'name': 'archive',
        'filepath': 'path/to/file.html',

Templatable Variables

Templatable variables are only accessed in specify templates.

  • pagination, available in archive.html
  • post, available in post.html and page.html

Resource Variables

This variable is powerful, for example, {{resource.posts}} contains all your public posts. It is related to a writer.

  • {{resource.posts}}
  • {{resource.pages}}
  • {{resource.year}}: if you enabled YearWriter
  • {{resource.category}}: if you enabled CategoryWriter
  • {{resource.tag}}: if you enabled TagWriter


  • content_url
  • static_url


Filter is an important concept in Jinja Template.

Default Filters

  • xmldatetime
  • permalink, {{post|permalink}} to create the permalink of a post
  • tag_url
  • year_url
  • feed_updated

Theme Filters


If you have designed a theme, you can submit it to the Theme Gallery

Table Of Contents

Related Topics


Feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, comments, random praise, or anonymous threats, shoot me an email.

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